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Looking to how other companies implemented UI/Snapshot testing may help you to choose proper tools for your project and save your time.

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UI testing

Write: Kaspresso
Who write: Android Engineers
Runner: Marathon locally and on the CI
Where: Headless emulators in Docker (Avito Image)
How often: Each 4h and before each release
Network: Mock, by Custom OkReplay
Test report: Allure

Other: We use custom OkReplay to achieve requests indexing, and the same request time as it was while recording. We're going to open-source this solution

Snapshot testing

Tools: Screenshot tests for Android
How often to run: Each commit to the Design System module

Other: We write snapshot tests per each component in the design system in all possible states, we don't write them for screens which implemented by using that components.


UI testing

Write: Kaspresso
Who write: QA and developers
Runner: AndroidJUnitRunner locally and on CI we use Marathon + custom tooling on top
Where: On CI: Emulators (we use custom Docker container) and real devices (custom integration with STF)
How often: Each pull request (functional tests), before the release (e2e tests) and nightly (e2e tests)
Test report: On CI we use custom internal solution

Snapshot testing

Tools: Kaspresso
How often: Many times per new feature to check new strings and translations


UI testing

Write: Kaspresso
Who write: developers
Runner: AndroidJUnitRunner with Android Orchestrator
Where: On CI: real devices
How often: at noon and at night
Test report: Junit4

Snapshot testing

Tools: Shot
Who write: developers
Runner: TestButler + Composer for test sharding (Shot support out of the box)
Where: On CI: emulators
How often: On every PR
Test report: Shot report, which includes image diffs when tests fail

Headhunter (

UI testing

Write: Kaspresso wrapped with custom DSL for creating a test data
Who writes: QA with support of Android Engineers
Runner: Marathon on the CI
Where: Headless emulators in Docker (Custom Image) at k8s
How often: Every night on every Portfolio branch(protected branch for each business feature) and develop; Every PR to develop.
Test data: End2End testing with test stands
Test report: Allure
Test stability monitoring: Custom tool for success rate visualization of each test between CI runs; Grafana for common graphs.

Delivery Club

UI testing

Write: Kaspresso
Who: QA and developers
Runner: Delivery Club fork of Avito Runner, Argo Workflows
Where: Redroid AiC, Redroid in DockerHub, Fork of Avito Emulator, Fork of Avito Emulator in DockerHub
How often: Each commit for Courier App and Consumer App, Before regress testing
Network: MockWebServer
Test report: Kaspresso Allure Integration + Avito Runner Integration
Other: Run Marathon in cloud

UI testing & Screenshot testing

Write: Espresso, Screenshot tests from facebook
Who: Android Developers and QA Engineers
Runner: Custom runner based on Android Orchestrator
Where: Emulators
How often: Each commit, nightly and before release
Network: MockWebServer
Test report: Allure
Test monitoring: Collecting allure info in Postgres db and displaying it in DataLens, finding flaky packages, common errors, alerts, etc.


UI testing

Who: Android Developers and QA Engineers
Runner: Marathon on the CI
Where: Emulators
How often: On every PR and one time per day on Main branch
Network: Custom mockapi server
Test report: Allure
Test monitoring:Using Allure reports and Grafana monitoring for stable, resources work`


UI testing

Write: Kaspresso
Who writes: QA Automation and QA Engineers
Runner: Marathon on the CI
Where: Emulators
How often: Each merge request
Test report: Allure
Network: Custom mock system


UI testing

Write: Espresso, UIAutomator, Ultron, compose ui-test
Who write: QA Automation Engineers
Runner: AllureAndroidJUnitRunner
Where: on CI: emulators
How often: nightly and before each release
Test report: Allure TestOps
Test monitoring: Allure TestOps